Monday, July 20, 2009

Eight months and on the move...

Here is a picture of Lucy enjoying another day at the beach. We had lots of fun letting her play in the wet sand and crawl in the surf. She was busy for hours!

Lucy is now real crawling, as of yesterday, and pulling herself up to a stand on things. Uh oh, we are realizing she can reach many things that she could not before. She is so excited to stand by herself that every time we put her in her crib to wind down to a nap, she rolls over, pulls herself up and stands there. She does this over and over and over again until she is exhausted enough to sleep. What a busy baby!

1 comment:

  1. I love you guys. Thanks for updating so often. I encourage you to keep it up. We are watching even if we don't always comment.
    Love in Jesus,
